In the News

City Announces Workforce Training Course for Metal Fabrication Skills

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and the MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board (formerly the Regional Employment Board of Hampden County) in partnership with the Sheet Metal Local 63 and the MassHire Springfield Career Center (formerly FutureWorks) are co-sponsoring a Manufacturing-Fabrication Training Program for unemployed and under-employed Springfield residents as part of the City’s emphasis in supporting workforce development opportunities for city residents. The course is free of charge and total 150 hours of sheet metal occupational and job readiness instruction.

“This is not only about supporting our employers and developing workforce skills, but just as importantly, it’s about putting our people to work,” said Mayor Domenic J. Sarno.

The technical training will be conducted by the Sheet Metal Local 63 located at 32 Stevens Street  in Springfield and will provide training in sheet metal fabrication, blueprint reading, shop tools and basic welding. OSHA 10 certification is also provided as part of the program. Training will be from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm, Monday-Thursday, and begins on October 1st, 2018. The program is scheduled to end on December 11th, 2018.

Larry Martin, Director of Business Services and Market Research for the MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board, added, “The goal of this program is to start or to reset a career direction for unemployed or under-employed residents. This is a unique opportunity for older youth and adults to participate in a vocational skills training program that is normally is not available once a resident completes a traditional high school or equivalency program. We encourage interested individuals to register for an information session to find out more about the training.”

Participants must be residents of the City of Springfield and have a high school diploma or equivalent.  A driver’s license and a car are highly recommended to work in this industry. Individuals who are interested may contact Nicole Williams of the MassHire Springfield Career Center at or (413) 858-2819 to attend an information session.

The MassHire Springfield Career Center is located at 1 Federal Street, Building 103-3, Springfield, MA 01105.

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm