In the News

Mayor Sarno and Commissioner Barbieri Announce “Full Steam Ahead” on Police Worn Body Cameras

The City of Springfield and the Springfield Police Department (SPD) is providing an update on the next steps towards patrolman using body worn cameras.  The initiative will be done in 3 phases.  The first phase is to bring in a consultant to help the City and SPD develop a comprehensive plan and help draft the Request for Proposals (RFP) for both the cameras and the storage needs of the video based on the best practices in the industry.

Phase 2 the City and SPD will put out the RFP to purchase the actual cameras and hardware/software necessary to for full implementation.  Finally, Phase 3 will be the actual rolling out of body worn cameras by our officers.

“This initiative is something that I and Commissioner Barbieri have steadfastly believed in. With all our proactive public safety programs, this will only continue to enhance mutual respect and trust with all of our Springfield community. My administration, through our CAFO TJ Plante, has made this a funding priority,” said Mayor Domenic J. Sarno.

Police Commissioner John Barbieri added, “The Springfield Police Department continues to move forward with this technology which will enhance police-community relations and assist with building public trust.”

CAFO TJ Plante stated, “Implementing the body worn cameras program is a priority for the City.  We have identified various funding strategies depending on the recommendations of the working group. These funds will most likely be a blend of bonds, potential grants and the general fund. ”

In the near future, the SPD will form a committee consisting of members of the Supervisor’s Association and IPBO Local 364, along with the necessary City employees to ensure proper training for our officers and smooth implementation. The SPD along with Chief Administrative & Financial Officer TJ Plante are working on a funding approach based on the recommendations of the committee.

On July 11, 2018, the Springfield City Council unanimously approved the contract between the City and the Springfield Police Officers IBPO Local 364. The contract runs through June 30, 2020. 

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm