Friday, August 11, 2017
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined parents, faculty, and staff to celebrate the final day of the 2017 Springfield Technical Community College STEM Starter Academy (SSA) summer program funded by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. Students presented final project posters and research to celebrate six weeks of exploring careers in Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM).
Mayor Sarno stated, “It’s always a pleasure to be back on STCC’s campus. President John Cook has been a great partner with our city not only with educational initiatives, but just as important, workforce development initiatives. Congrats and thanks to all the students, parents, faculty and staff. Continued success.”
According to STCC, two program tracks were funded this summer:
40 recent high school graduates who will be attending STCC in the fall have been taking two courses this summer - a math course and a College Success Seminar. As part of their College Success Seminar students will present posters exploring STEM careers.
7 STCC students enrolled in the “Topics in Biological Research” course will present their research on the urban ecology of the STCC campus. The summer 2017 offering of “Topics in Biological Research” is also a STEM Starter Academy project. By exploring real open-ended scientific questions students are able to develop an interest and understanding of scientific research.