In the News

City Hall Blood Drive

Thursday, July 27, 2017

The City of Springfield held a blood drive today in conjunction with the American Red Cross of Massachusetts at City Hall. The public was invited to attend and donate blood, as the American Red Cross is currently experiencing a severe blood shortage and has issued an emergency call for donations. In total, 43 presenting donors gave 36 units of blood - surpassing the goal of 25 units.

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno signed up to donate blood as he usually does. He also commended Caitlyn Julius, Personnel Analyst, for her continued efforts in organizing blood drives for the... City of Springfield. Mayor Sarno said, “I would like to thank all those who continue to donate blood and raise awareness to bring out new blood donors in support of those who need it. Our city team, led by Caitlyn Julius, have brought together many of our employees and residents for this important cause. Now more than ever, hospital patients still depend on volunteer donors to receive these life-saving transfusions.”

To learn more about giving blood, or to find an upcoming blood drive in your area, please visit:

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