Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Mayor Domenic Sarno states that he commends Police Commissioner John Barbieri and congratulates new Deputy Chief Cheryl Clapprood on this well- deserved and solid appointment. Deputy Chief Clapprood replaces recently retired Deputy Chief Robert Cheetham. Deputy Chief Clapprood becomes the second highest ranking female officer ever behind retired Police Chief Paula Meara in SPD history.
Mayor Sarno went on to say that Deputy Chief Clapprood has done an outstanding job in command of C3 policing units and enhancing community relationships. In these continued efforts under the leadership of Commissioner Barbieri, Deputy Chief Clapprood and all of our brave and dedicated men and women in blue, overall crime has been reduced by nearly 20% this year. Deputy Chief Clapprood’s policing background is very diverse and well-suited to take on this new challenge. Deputy Chief Clapprood has agreed to move back into Springfield.
Commissioner Barbieri stated that he was pleased to announce the promotion Deputy Chief Cheryl Clapprood, a thirty eight year veteran, with many years of supervisory and management experience. Deputy Chief Clapprood was selected from a Civil Service promotional list promulgated through an assessment center, with her ranking appearing next, after recently retired Deputy Chief Robert Cheetham. She is the first female Springfield Police Department Deputy Chief, as former Chief Paula Meara was promoted to that position directly from the rank of captain.
Commissioner Barbieri looks forward to working with Deputy Chief Clapprood to continue efforts to improve the quality of life and public safety in our fine city. The promotion is effective as of midnight of July 9, 2017. Deputy Chief Clapprood will assume command of the Uniformed, Community Action, and Information Services divisions.
A pinning ceremony will be held at the Police Department in the near future for Deputy Chief Clapprood as well as additional recent and other near future appointments and promotions.