Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states that he, Commissioner John Barbieri, State Representative Carlos Gonzalez and Human Resources/Labor Relations Director Attorney Bill Mahoney have met with Axon, a company well-versed in police dashboard, body cameras and tasers (which we already implement) work. He said, “During our discussions, we greatly appreciate Axon ‘stepping up to the plate’ with their innovative offer (please see the letter below). Commissioner Barbieri, Atty. Mahoney and I will continue to push hard for these cameras in our ongoing negotiations with our Police Union. “
Mayor Sarno states that he’s also very appreciative of State Representative Carlos Gonzalez’s effort on the state level to facilitate this initiative. He said, “I’m a law and order mayor and cameras make absolute sense in not only enhancing Commissioner Barbieri’s public safety initiatives for our residents and business community, but also, protecting our brave and dedicated officers. With the advent of cell phone cameras, anyone can be filmed at any time and/or sequence – with our own dashboard and body cameras, accusations either way can fully be clarified and/or proven or disproven. I remain hopeful that we can reach a plausible agreement with our men and women in blue.”