Thursday, May 25, 2017
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “As the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) report issued a number of years ago, the development of 31 Elm Street would be the number one ‘linchpin’ of a transformative downtown project. Make no mistake, though this is a very complicated and ‘bear’ of a project, we are bringing market rate housing with a retail component to this site. I have followed the ULI’s footprint with my administration completing and moving on many of these fronts. Though this project has been ‘an albatross’ around past administrations’ necks, including my own, I have committed to getting it done and getting it done the right way too. I’m very happy to have a local developer, Opal – Peter Picknelly, who’s family’s never forgotten their Springfield roots – working with Winn Development, MGM, the city and our building trades labor organizations in this public/private partnership to fulfill this commitment. Chief Development Officer Kevin Kennedy, the Springfield Redevelopment Authority and I look very forward to making another positive announcement shortly.”