Friday, September 16, 2016
MGM Springfield executives today guided local and state elected and City of Springfield officials through a progress tour of the 14-acre, three-block construction site. Approximately a dozen city and state officials were among the guests who received a first-hand look at the newest construction efforts at the $950 million mixed-use resort casino scheduled to open in September 2018.
MGM Springfield President Michael Mathis said, “We appreciate the continued strong interest by Springfield’s leadership. We have made tremendous construction progress over the summer and we’re excited to give our local officials an up-close look. It is a good moment to level set and preview the coming months, so they can share our good outlook with their constituencies, neighbors, colleagues and friends.”
Following remarks from Mathis, Brian Packer, MGM Springfield’s Vice President, Construction, led the site tour, which commenced on MGM Way, the future home of the hotel and South End food market. The tour offered a close up of the substantial foundation work recently completed on the hotel-podium and parking garage, before concluding at the site of the First Spiritualist Church.
Today’s tour, two years out from MGM Springfield’s opening, kicked off a site progress series in which MGM officials have committed to deliver regular updates to local elected and city officials. MGM is ramping up construction update communications with officials as the project moves quickly toward operational.
Mayor Domenic Sarno said, "I’m very appreciative of the world-renown MGM for its continued belief and nearly $1 billion investment in our City of Springfield and Western Massachusetts. A total of $2.7 billion in economic development is bringing more good paying jobs, increased tax revenues and business vendor opportunities to Springfield.”
MGM Springfield is scheduled to meet next week with the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. As part of its quarterly update, MGM representatives will announce that substantial construction milestones are set to take place in early fall, including the construction of a tower crane that will be a part of the Springfield skyline for the foreseeable future, followed by the highly anticipated first vertical construction on site, which will frame the parking garage.
(Information courtesy of MGM Springfield)