City residents with a discount on the City’s trash fee (seniors, blind, veteran, indigent) received a letter today from the City’s Chief Administrative and Financial Officer Lee C. Erdmann asking residents to update their records with the City in order to continue receiving the discount.
4,113 letters were mailed this week to all residents currently receiving a discount. Qualifying residents, still wishing to keep the discount, are asked to return the forms and the relevant supporting documentation to Springfield City Hall by December 1, 2012.
The request for information was sent to residents because during the last billing cycle, it was noted that some records for those receiving a discount were outdated or incomplete. In an effort to ensure the City has the most up to date information, residents currently receiving a discount are being asked to re-submit their application and supporting information.
City Finance Officials indicate that a small number of properties may be receiving discounts they are not eligible to receive due to property transfers to non-qualified households. The goal is to receive all updated discount information for the mailing of the Fiscal Year 2013 trash fee bills.
Residents with any questions about trash fee discounts can call the 311 customer service call center at 3-1-1 or (413) 736-3111.