Who: Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, City Councilor Clodo Concepcion and Sheriff Michael Ashe
What: Recognition of Sheriff Michael Ashe and his Community Service Program for their work in the Sixteen Acres neighborhood
When: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 10:45 a.m.
Where: Greenleaf Community Center, 1187 Parker Street, Springfield, MA
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Springfield City Councilor Clodo Conception will be honoring Sherriff Mike Ashe and his Community Service Program for their work in the Sixteen acres neighborhood. The Sherriff has teamed up with the City of Springfield for over 15 years on a number of endeavors and the community service program had been invaluable to answer the needs of the residents due to the tornado and October 31st snowstorm.
Mayor Sarno Stated “The Sherriff and the community service program have become an integral part of the city operations and the Sherriff and all his operations were there to assist the city during a number of unprecedented weather events last year. We appreciate his efforts and we look forward to many more years of partnering to ensure the city is a better place to live and work.”
City Councilor Clodo Conception stated “The sheriff’s crews have been invaluable and the work productivity of this crew has been outstanding. During the past four months, this crew has been assigned to Green Leaf Park and Sixteen Acres and they have cut and removed a lot of dangerous trees and overgrowth that FEMA refused. This crew has made our neighborhood safer and we appreciate it. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Sherriff and Correction Officer Dennis Sullivan for their assistance in completing this work. “