DevelopSpringfield, a non-profit corporation dedicated to advancing development and expediting revitalization within the City of Springfield, announced the “District” and the “Domain” Leaders for the Rebuild Springfield Master Plan.
The Rebuild Springfield Master Plan is the community's vision for the future of its neighborhoods impacted by the June 1, 2011 tornado and for Springfield as a whole.
The Master Plan divides the tornado-impacted area into three planning districts: District One comprises downtown and the South End neighborhood; District Two, composed of the Maple-High Six Corners, Old Hill, Upper Hill and Forest Park neighborhoods; and District Three, including East Forest Park and Sixteen Acres.
In addition to District-specific matters, the Master Plan’s implementation will also cover six primary nexus “Domains” that address not only the revitalization needs of the tornado-impacted areas but also the broader vision for future revitalization of the City as a whole.
The following individuals have agreed to serve as “District Leaders”:
• District One: Peter Gagliardi (HAP Housing) and Samalid Hogan (City of Springfield)
• District Two: Cee Jackson (Jackson Security/DevelopSpringfield Board of Directors) and Gerry McCafferty (City of Springfield)
• District Three: William Foley (Retired Springfield City Councilor) and David Cruise (Regional Employment Board)
The Master Plan “Domain Leaders” will be:
• Education Domain: John Davis (Davis Foundation) and Pat Spradley (Springfield Public Schools)
• Physical Domain: Tim Brennan (Pioneer Valley Planning Commission) and Brian Connors (City of Springfield)
• Cultural Domain: Ron Ancrum (Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts) and José Claudio (New North Citizens Council)
• Social Domain: Deputy Chief John Barbieri (Springfield Police Department) and Frank Robinson (Partners for a Healthier Community/ Baystate Health)
• Economic Domain and Organizational Domain: Armando Feliciano (Springfield Redevelopment Authority) and Kevin Sweeney (DevelopSpringfield)
According to Nick Fyntrilakis, chairman of the Board of Directors of DevelopSpringfield, "A plan is only as good as its implementation. DevelopSpringfield will quarterback the Master Plan as well as the Economic and Organizational ‘Domains.’ The three Districts and six Domains will convene the stakeholders for their areas of focus and will drive the recommendations and further outcomes.”
At the District level, those recommendations include land use options for rebuilding structures and areas impacted by the tornado including the South End Community Center, various housing sites and Camp Wilder. Additional issues include reforestation and management of vacant lots.
At the Domain level, Master Plan recommendations include strategies to harness Springfield’s role as the economic heart of the Pioneer Valley, to streamline investment and encourage economic development and entrepreneurship, to develop a process for transforming vacant structures into community assets, to create a system of connected and integrated partnerships for a continuum of education, and to expand workforce development and educational partnerships for the benefit of all Springfield residents.
“There has been an extraordinary level of public engagement in the Rebuild Springfield dialogue, with over 3,000 individuals participating in the planning process by offering input at public meetings and online,” commented Mayor Domenic J. Sarno. “I am pleased that, as a result of this tremendous commitment by the people of the City, we will have a thoughtful plan not only to rebuild from the tornado but also a plan to build a bigger, better, and stronger City.”
Mayor Sarno stated, “I am confident that these strong District and Domain Leaders will achieve tangible results for the benefit of all of the citizens of the City.”
In the News
DevelopSpringfield Announces District and Domain Leaders for Rebuild Springfield Master Plan