Congressman Richard E. Neal presented a check to Mayor Domenic J. Sarno to aid the Regreen Springfield initiative. The Regreen Springfield initiative aims to replant trees in areas of Springfield affected by the recent severe storms, especially the June 1st tornado. The city has already begun the reforestation of impacted neighborhoods by identifying over 300 planting locations last fall. Plantings were initiated this past November/December and will resume in the spring when the weather allows for tree plantings. It is anticipated it will take up to five years to plant the entire tornado zone. The time line will be determined by the reconstruction within the tornado zone as well as funds appropriated for tree plantings. Planting plans for the spring are already underway and the donation by Congressman Neal will help Regreen Springfield achieve its goal of restoring Springfield’s urban tree canopy. To learn more about the Regreen Springfield effort visit: If your tree was impacted by a recent storm and want a tree planted on your tree belt please visit the Regreen website to apply for a tree.
Congressman Neal stated: “Our trees are the most precious resource that span generation to generation. We have to be the stewards who ensure that the next generation will enjoy the benefits of all of us working together to replant our city. It is our duty to go street by street and ensure every tree is replaced.”
Mayor Sarno stated: “The Congressman is demonstrating the need for everyone to participate in the regreening of our city. It will take the cooperation of all of our residents, business and state and local government to ensure all of our natural resources are replaced from the catastrophic weather of 2011. We appreciate all of your efforts and this will bring great relief to the residents of Roosevelt Ave.”
Ed Casey, City Forester stated: “The generosity of the business community and citizens of Springfield expressing their willingness to help has been a rewarding experience. I can see that we will find a way to replace all of the trees lost and look forward to ensuring that every tree is replaced.”
Patrick Sullivan, Executive Director stated: “This donation will not only provide the necessary resources to improve the visual esthetics of our neighborhoods but will ensure we have the natural green canopy which will have a positive environmental impact. The Congressman and the Mayor were instrumental in bringing the necessary resources from the U.S. Forest Service and the early studies have concluded the neighborhood temperature ranges can be 4-6 degreed different from the streets not impacted by the tornado. On a 90 degree day a six degree difference is costly from the utilities required to cool houses and the impact on the quality of life. It is imperative we replant our streets and manage the rest of the city trees to protect this valuable resource.”