Liens To Appear On Fiscal Year 2012 Third Quarter Tax Bills
December 30, 2011 – The City of Springfield will process liens against properties with unpaid Fiscal Year 2010 trash fee bills. This amount, as well as accumulated interest and fees, will appear on the Fiscal Year 2012 3rd and 4th quarter property tax bills. This trash lien is for services provided for the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Third quarter Fiscal Year 2012 property tax bills are expected to be mailed on December 30, 2011.
Property owners should be aware that payments made toward this bill will first be applied to the lien and the accumulated interest second, and last to the principal balance of the property tax. Property owners are advised that failure to pay the bill in full on or before the due date will result in an outstanding balance on the property tax bill and the accumulation of interest in the amount of 14% annually.
Property owners are required to fill out a Trash Lien Dispute Form if they feel there is an error in their bill. The dispute form is available at the City Collector’s Office (Room 112 in City Hall) or can be downloaded from the City’s website at
Property owners are reminded that filing a dispute form does not exempt them from paying the bill in full on or before the due date.
Residents with questions regarding the trash lien can call the Citizen Service Center by dialing 3-1-1 inside Springfield or (413) 736-3111 from outside of city limits.