Friday, January 13, 2012 @ 11:00AM
Springfield City Hall – 36 Court Street – Springfield, MA
Each year, the Springfield Chapter of the NAACP, together with the Office of Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, produces a program to celebrate the life and work of Dr. King
The program theme varies each year, but we are always trying to explore what we learn in our society and what shapes us as we negotiate the diverse world that surrounds us. Throughout our celebration, we attempt to acknowledge a number of very powerful and competing dynamics in US history; some of them affirm our humanity, some detract from our common humanity.
Understanding that Dr. King represented far more than a dream, there is much work to be done and obstacles that must be overcome to ensure that we continue the work of Dr. King and those that worked alongside him.
The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Celebration & Flag Raising takes place on Friday, January 13, 2012 at 11:00 AM in Room 220 (School Committee Chambers)
We strongly encourage you to join us at the Springfield City Hall and Celebrate the life and legacy of one our greatest leaders ever! The admission is free. Includes: Food, Poetry, Speakers, Music along with information that will help us to forge forward in 2012!
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Darryl E. Moss at 413-787-6100 or