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Springfield Adolescent Sexual Health Advisory (SASHA) Luncheon

On Tuesday April 27th at the Basketball Hall of Fame, the Springfield Adolescent Sexual Health Advisory committee held a community luncheon to discuss "Engaging for Community Action on Teen Sexual Health, Education, Economics and Opportunity." The presentations were made by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy and the luncheon participants were introduced to SASHA ending with a Call to Action. 

Patricia Quinn, the Executive Director of the Mass. Alliance on Teen Pregnancy, credited the City of Springfield for their pioneering efforts and courage launching an initiative of this magnitude and will use our city's SASHA Program as a model for the State.  The 2010 Public Health Youth Award recipient is Bria Brantley, who was honored for her advocacy and hard work.

Thanks to Tony Pettaway for the photos.

Superintendent Dr. Alan Ingram with members of the Mass. Alliance on Teen Pregnancy.
Dr. Alan Ingram, Veronica McNair, Bria Brantley, Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Commissioner Helen-Caulton-Harris.
2010 Public Health Youth Achievement Award Recipient Bria Brantley with her parents, Veronica McNair and Steven Brantley.
Members of the Springfield Adolescent Sexual Health Advisory Committee, S.A.S.H.A FRONT ROW-Hector Toledo, Sarah Perez-McAdoo, M.D. and Juan Gerena BACK ROW- Ann Southworth, E.D., Health Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris, Yoana Vega-Mata and Coleen Walsh.
Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm