October 28, 2009 - Mayor Domenic J. Sarno announced today that the City of Springfield is hosting representatives of nearly a dozen New England cities and towns as part of the MassStat initiative. MassStat is a network of city governments in New England that are using data, measures, and goals to strategically improve city management through a CitiStat or other performance management approach. MassStat communities meet regularly to share and discuss data and best practices, learning from one another’s experiences running Stat programs.
The October 28th meeting hosted at the Good Life Center (1600 East Columbus Avenue – meeting beings at 10:00 a.m.) is focused on inspectional services operations. The agenda will include review and discussion of comparative inspectional services data as well as updates on opportunities and challenges facing each cities’ performance management program. Communities expected to attend include: Amesbury, MA; Fall River, MA; Hartford, CT; Lawrence, MA; Lowell, MA; New Bedford, MA; Newton, MA; Providence, RI; Somerville, MA.
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno stated that “CitiStat Springfield is heralded as one of the most progressive tools available to government managers today which has led to department performance improvements and tangible measurements of progress within the City of Springfield.” “CitiStat Springfield has provided significant savings to tax payers by helping city departments recognize greater efficiencies,” added Sarno.
The MassStat initiative is currently co-chaired by the cities of Somerville and Springfield and is facilitated by the Collins Center for Public Management at the University of Massachusetts Boston.