The Springfield Police will host the 26th Citizens Police Academy starting on March 4th. Register today.
The 10-week academy for community members will be offered from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesdays beginning March 4th at the Public Safety Complex, 1212 Carew Street. Course topics will include an overview of the police department, including the nine sectors. All bureaus with topics including crime-scene investigation, gangs, drugs, domestic violence, data driven policing, firearms, criminal law, youth services, gangs, use of force, community relations and much more. Participants will receive some hands-on training and take part in practical exercises. The classes are very informative and lots of fun and designed for all ages 18 years and up.
The program is designed to educate residents and community agencies on the scope of police work and foster good relations between community and the police department.
To participate, applicants must be at least 18 years old, live in Springfield and not have been convicted of a felony.
Participants must pre-register. Download an application here or from the police department web site or contact Call Kathleen Brown at 787-6359 or e-mail and request an application.