News Stories by Date
Stories from Selected Month
Springfield DPW Announces Delays in Yard Waste Collection
The City of Springfield Department of Public Works (DPW) announced today that the collection of yard waste will be delayed this week. The collection of trash and recycling will continue as normal.
Mayor Sarno and CDO Sheehan Announce Public Art Funding Awards
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Chief Development Officer (CDO) Tim Sheehan announced today that the City of Springfield has selected two proposals responding to a recent Request for Proposals (RFP) for organizations interested in undertaking public mural…
Upcoming Workshops with MassHire Springfield
Successful Remote Employment
In 2022, working from anywhere is now a valid option for many employees! As is the case with anything, there are perks and pitfalls to remote and hybrid work. This session addresses the most common difficulties…
Mayor Sarno, Congressman Neal, Attorney General Healey and City and State Officials Joined Spirit of Springfield for a Special September 11th Remembrance Ceremony
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Congressman Richard E. Neal, Attorney General Maura Healey, Springfield Police Deputy Chief Rupert Daniel, Fire Commissioner BJ Calvi, joined with Patrick Pickering, Regional Director for American Medical Response (AMR),…
Mayor Sarno, DPW Director Cignoli and Eversource announce Plans to Retrofit Street Lights with LED’s
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Director of the Department of Public Works (DPW) Chris Cignoli and Eversource officials announced today plans for the utility to retrofit the City of Springfield’s street lights to LED’s beginning January 1, 2023, at no cost…
Mayor Sarno welcomes Baby Carter
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Chief of Staff Tom Ashe enjoyed a special visit this week from Attorney Talia Gee, baby Carter, and Gary Gee - proud Papi.
Mayor Sarno, Representative Puppolo, Senator Velis and Agawam Councilor Bitzas Celebrate the start of Glendi 2022 with Greek Flag Raising Ceremony
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, State Representative Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr., State Senator John Velis, Agawam City Councilor George Bitzas, and Lt. Stephen Rose representing Hampden County Sheriff Nick Cocchi, joined with our Greek community today to…
Springfield Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Control and Adoption Center to hold Open House
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno announced today that the City of Springfield Thomas J. O’Connor (TJO) Animal Control and Adoption Center has scheduled two days where they will be holding an open house for those interested in a career opportunity at the center…
Mayor Sarno Highlights ARPA Accomplishments, Celebrating One Year of Success
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno highlighted the City of Springfield’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) accomplishments and celebrated the many success stories on the one-year anniversary since the program was established in the city with the creation of the…
Mayor Sarno Announces ARPA Award Funding to HOPE CDC
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Chief Development Officer (CDO) Tim Sheehan, and the city American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) team announced today that the newly established HOPE Community Development Corporation (CDC) is being awarded $500,000 as part of the…
Mayor Sarno and City Officials Meet with Joshua Croke, new MassDevelopment TDI Fellow for Mason Square
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Chief Development Officer Tim Sheehan, Deputy Director of Economic Development Brian Connors, Principal Planner Alvin Allen, and Mayoral Aide Lavar Click-Bruce met with Joshua Croke, MassDevelopment Transformative Development…
Mayor Sarno Meets with City Councilor Zaida Govan
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno met with Ward 8 City Councilor Zaida Govan today to continue discussions on the many neighborhood projects and initiatives throughout the city, especially the Indian Orchard Main Street business district and riverfront areas.
TJO Animal Control and Adoption Center Holding an Open House
City of Springfield Thomas J. O'Connor Animal Control and Adoption Center is holding an open house for those interested in learning more about a career with the TJO Animal Control and Adoption Center
Springfield DPW and MassDOT to Develop Citywide Safety Action Plan to seek Federal Funding for Roadway Improvements
The City of Springfield Department of Public Works (DPW), in partnership with MassDOT and their consultant, Kittelson & Associates, are developing a Citywide Safety Action Plan as part of an application seeking federal grant funding under the “Safe…
Mayor Sarno welcomes UMass Graduate Students to Springfield
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with Economic Development Deputy Director Brian Connors, Senior Planner Julisa Davila-Ramos and retired Principal Planner Scott Hanson in welcoming UMass Professors Frank Sleegers and Michael Di Pasquale, and students…
Mayor Sarno Issues Statement on the Passing of Retired Chief Development Officer Kevin Kennedy
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “First of all, my sympathy, thoughts, prayers and encouragement to Kevin’s wife Debbie, family and friends. I was very saddened to hear about my friend and retired Chief Development Officer Kevin Kennedy’s passing –…
Mayor Sarno Attended 8th Annual ‘Fill the Plate’ Kick Off Event at Hot Table to Benefit the Gray House
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno once again donated and joined with Gray House Executive Director Kristen McClintock at Hot Table in Tower Square to kick off the Gray House’s 8th Annual Hot Table Fundraiser for the Market at the Gray House. The Market is a…
Mayor’s Office welcomes new Mayoral Aide, Genesis Velez Roque
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno announced today that Genesis Velez Roque will be joining the Mayor’s Office as a Mayoral Aide. Minerva ‘Mini’ Marrero, who previously served as mayoral aide, will transition into her new role as the Mayor’s new Administrative…