News Stories by Date
Stories from Selected Month
Smile, You’re on Springfield’s Candid Camera
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Executive Director of Parks, Buildings, and Recreation Management (PBRM) Patrick Sullivan released additional details of the City of Springfield’s ongoing effort to curb illegal dumping throughout the city. PBRM has…
Happy Mother's Day
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and the City of Springfield wishes all of our beloved mothers a very Happy Mother's Day!
City of Springfield to Join with Calvary’s Love Church in Celebration of National Day of Prayer
National Day of Prayer was establsihed in 1952 by the United States Congress and is clebrated each year on the first Thursday in May.
Who: Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Mayoral Aide Minerva Marrero, Reverend Juan Feliciano of Calvary's…
City of Springfield’s Finance Department Recognized with Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno is proud to report that the City of Springfield’s Finance Department, led by Chief Administrative and Financial Officer (CAFO) TJ Plante, has been recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States…
Mayor Sarno Meets with Bishop-Elect Dr. James L. Gill
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Mayoral Aide Lavar Click-Bruce met with Bishop-Elect Dr. James L. Gill, Jr., Pastor of the Harvest Fellowship Church. Bishop Gill is a retired Assistant Deputy Superintendent of the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department and…
Mayor Sarno and HHS Commissioner Caulton-Harris Announce Date for Reopening Public Basketball as part of the City of Springfield Phased Reopening Plans
Following the Commonwealth’s updated phased reopening plan that was announced last week, the state’s Youth and Adult Amateur Sports Activities plan, and the City of Springfield’s phased reopening plan, Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Health and Human…
Mayor Sarno and PBRM Director Sullivan Tour Improvements at Golf Courses
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with Executive Director of Parks, Building and Recreational Management (PBRM) Patrick Sullivan, Director of Open Space Peter Krupczak, PBRM Coordinator Tom Dougal, Chief Administrative and Finance Officer (CAFO) TJ…
City of Springfield Announces Additional Local Neighborhood Vaccination Clinics
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Health and Human Services (HHS) Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris joined with State Representative Bud L. Williams, and Dr. Sly Douglas Northeast Regional Lead for Curative at JC Williams Community Center to announce…
Emergency Assistance Town Hall for Springfield Region Residents
The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is partnering with Way Finders to host English and Spanish language virtual town halls on emergency rental assistance, free legal representation, and mediation services that are…