News Stories by Date
Stories from Selected Month
‘Movies in the Park’ Schedule Modified Due to Heat Wave -No Movies This Week-
The City of Springfield Department of Parks, Buildings, and Recreation Management (PBRM) Director Patrick Sullivan announced today that due to the heat wave this week, the schedule for the Movies in the Park series has been modified. No movies will…
Mayor Sarno Thanks MGM Springfield for Donating Water to City Cooling Centers
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno thanked MGM Springfield for donating much needed water to the City of Springfield’s cooling centers. Over 1,000 cases of water was donated.
Springfield DPW Announces that Solid Waste Collection will Begin Early on Wednesday, July 20th Due to Heat Wave
The Department of Public Works Solid Waste Division wishes to inform the residents of Springfield who have municipal trash, recycling and yard waste collection on Wednesday 7/20/22 that Collection will begin at 5:30 am due to the impending heat wave…
City of Springfield to Open Cooling Centers
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Health and Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris announced today that the City of Springfield will open cooling centers Tuesday, July 19 through Friday, July 22, 2022 due to the anticipated heat.
Attorney Talia Gee sits down with High School Students to Discuss City’s efforts on Diversity and Inclusion
Attorney Talia Gee, former Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer for the City of Springfield, sat down with local high school students today as part of MassLive’s journalism session, run by New England Public Media's Media Lab, with students on…
City of Springfield to Demo 53 Terrence Street
Building Commissioner Steven Desilets, Chief of Staff Tom Ashe, Mayoral Aide Lavar Click-Bruce, Director of Disaster Recovery and Compliance Tina Quagliato Sullivan, Ward 4 City Councilor Malo Brown and city officials joined neighborhood residents…
Movie in the Park Scheduled for Monday, July 18, 2022 at Marshall Roy Park Canceled due to Inclement Weather
The movie in the park schedule for Monday, July 18, 2022 at Marshall Roy Park has been canceled due to inclement weather.
BHN will still hold their COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at the East Springfield Neighborhood Council building from 7:00 to 9:00…
Project Notice: Upper Van Horn Reservoir Dam Improvements Project
Project Overview:
The City of Springfield is proposing to rehabilitate the Upper Van Horn Reservoir Dam to comply with the Massachusetts Dam Safety Regulations and modern day safety practices and to improve resiliency.
The dam supports Armory…
Mayor Sarno and Police Superintendent Clapprood Highlight new Gym and Workout Area for Springfield Police Officers
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood, Deputy Chief Rupert Daniel, Sgt. Jamie Bruno, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Judi Crowell and city officials to showcase and highlight the new gym and workout area for…
City of Springfield and Hampden County Sheriff’s Office Partner together for Project Rescue Initiative
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Health and Human Services (HHS) Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris, Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood and Fire Commissioner BJ Calvi joined with Hampden County Sheriff Nick Cocchi and representatives from Gandara and other…
Multi-Agency Operation Cracks-Down on Drug Dealing, Firearms Activity & Prostitution in Response to Citizen Complaints and Recent Incidents
On Tuesday July 12th and Wednesday July 13th, members of the Springfield Police Firearms Investigation Unit, Massachusetts State Police VFAS, Gang Unit, High Risk Victims Unit and CINRET West, Springfield Resident DEA Task Force, Hampden District…
Virtual Community Forum
Join us for a virtual community forum to meet the finalists for Compliance Evaluator in the implementation of the consent decree in U.S. v. Springfield Police Department and City of Springfield, Thursday, July 21, 2022 from 6-7:30 p.m.
Register to…
Mayor Sarno Joined with Springfield Library and Springfield Library Foundation for a Special Major Gift Announcement by the Estate of Mary K. Brogan
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with Springfield Library Assistant Director Jean Canosa Albano, Springfield Library Foundation President Patrick Markey, Springfield Library Foundation Executive Director Matt Blumenfeld, Springfield Library Commission…
Celebrate Seuss-iversary Season with the Springfield Museums!
Celebrate Seuss-iversary season with the Springfield Museums! Seuss-iversary is a yearlong special celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden (2002), the 5th anniversary of the Amazing World of Dr. Seuss…
Mayor Sarno Announces Sixth Round of ARPA Funding Awards
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and the city American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) team announced today the City of Springfield’s sixth round of ARPA RFP funding awards totaling $84,000 for direct cash assistance for households located within the Qualified Census…
Mayor Sarno Issues Executive Order Authorizing Remote Participation for Public Meetings by Municipal Bodies
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno in working with City Council President Jesse Lederman issued an executive order today authorizing remote participation for members of all municipal bodies for public meetings, if necessary.
Mayor Sarno, Superintendent Warwick and Chief of Staff Ashe meets with Worcester State University President Barry Maloney and Springfield Empowerment Zone Co-Executive Director Matt Brunell
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Superintendent Daniel Warwick and Chief of Staff Tom Ashe met with Worcester State University President and Springfield native Barry Maloney and Springfield Empowerment Zone Co-Executive Director Matt Brunell today to discuss…
Mayor Sarno meets with Library Foundation Executive Director Matt Blumenfeld
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno met with Springfield Library Foundation Executive Director Matt Blumenfeld today to discuss updates on the Library Foundation efforts to help enhance the quality of library programs, materials, services and facilities through…
Mayor Sarno Thanks Health and Human Services Team for Hosting COVID-19 Vaccination and Booster Clinic for City Employees
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno thanked Tony Pettaway, Director, Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response and the Health and Human Services team for hosting a COVID-19 vaccination and booster clinic at City Hall for city employees.
Mayor Sarno Sends Condolence and Support Letter to Mayor Kōkichi Maeda of Springfield’s Sister City, Takikawa, Japan
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno sent a letter of condolence and support to Mayor Kōkichi Maeda, mayor of Springfield’s sister city, Takikawa, Japan, today on behalf of the citizens of Springfield upon the tragic and sudden death of Japan’s former Prime…