City News
Mayor Sarno Issues Statement on the passing of Retired Longtime Springfield Fire Department PIO Firefighter Dennis Leger
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “first of all, my sympathy, thoughts, prayers and encouragement to Dennis’s wife Krystyna, son Springfield Fire Department (SFD) Lt. Jim, daughter Jessica, family and friends. I was very sorry to hear about Dennis’s…
Mayor Sarno and CDO Sheehan meet with Veronica Garcia and Samalid Hogan from the Latino Marketing Agency
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Chief Development Officer (CDO) Tim Sheehan and Mayoral Aide Genesis Velez-Roque met with Veronica Garcia, CEO of the Latino Marketing Agency, and Samalid Hogan, COO, to discuss their business and watch a presentation of some…
Mayor Sarno joins with Congressman Neal for $54 million Federal Grant Announcement for PVTA
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with Congressman Richard E. Neal and Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) Administrator Sandra Sheehan for a special Federal Transit Authority (FTA) grant announcement. Congressman Neal, Chair of the House Committee…
Springfield Police Department General Use of Force Policy Proposal
The City of Springfield in collaboration with the DOJ Settlement Agreement presents the following proposed General Use of Force Policy in accordance with standards set forth by Massachusetts General Law, the Municipal Police Training Council,…
Mayor Sarno and City Officials attend Western New England School of Law’s Center for Social Justice Free Legal Kiosk Initiative
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, City Councilors Lavar Click-Bruce and Zaida Govan, and City Solicitor Talia Gee joined with Western New England University (WNEU) President Robert E. Johnson, Ariel Clemmer, Esp., Director for the WNEU School of Law Center for…