City News
Springfield Police and Fire Departments Take Part in 57th Annual Youth Fishing Derby with “Cops and Bobbers, Hooks and Ladders” Program
Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood was pleased to announce that officers from the Springfield Police Department and members of the Springfield Fire Department participated in the annual Fishing Derby this past weekend, sponsored by the…
Mayor Sarno Congratulates Springfield’s own Benton Whitley on signing with Super Bowl Champs Los Angeles Rams
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno congratulates Springfield’s own Benton Whitley, son of the late Tracy Whitley and our Community Development Neighborhood Director Ed Whitley on signing with the Super Bowl Champions Los Angeles Rams.
Mayor Sarno, HHS Commissioner Caulton-Harris and City of Springfield Recognizes Mental Health Awareness Month
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Health and Human Services (HHS) Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris, Human Resource and Labor Relations Director Attorney William Mahoney, City Councilor Zaida Govan and Director of Constituent Services Molly Shea joined with…
Mayor Sarno Thanks Andrew Morehouse and the Food Bank of Western Mass
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno thanks and appreciates Andrew Morehouse, Executive Director of the Food Bank of Western Mass, and team for their continued efforts to help out people in need.