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Mayor Sarno, PBRM Director Sullivan and Councilor Edwards Announce Splash Pad to Open at Newly Renovated Ruth Elizabeth Park

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Executive Director of Parks, Buildings, and Recreation Management (PBRM) Patrick Sullivan and Ward 3 City Councilor Melvin Edwards announced today that due to the severe heat wave, the City of Springfield will be installing temporary fencing so that the splash pad at the newly renovated Ruth Elizabeth Park can be turned on so residents can escape the heat and cool off.

With temperatures expecting to stay in the mid to high 90s with humidity, the City of Springfield has opened up cooling centers throughout the city.  In addition, the City will keep the pool at Forest Park and neighborhood splash pads open till the end of the month. 

Mayor Sarno states, “I want to thank PBRM Director Patrick Sullivan and his team for moving quickly to install this temporary fencing so that we can turn these splash pads on.  This will provide our children and families much needed relief from the heat.  I want to remind residents to stay hydrated, check on your elderly neighbors, be mindful of your pets, and please take advantage of our wonderful park facilities that offer the resources for staying cool during these hot summer days.”

Ward 3 City Councilor Edwards states, “I want to thank Mayor Sarno and Parks Director Patrick Sullivan for taking quick action and getting this temporary fencing installed so we can turn on the splash pads at our beloved Ruth Elizabeth Park so our children and families can beat the heat.  I want to encourage our residents to stay hydrated and cool and to utilize our city’s cooling centers and park areas that can offer shade and relief during this heat wave.”

PBRM Director Sullivan stated, “We are very proud of the improvements made to our Ruth Elizabeth Park and I am grateful to Mayor Sarno for the addition funding to install this temporary fencing that will allow the splash pad to open.  With the extreme heat and humidity, it was important to provide this neighborhood park and its residents this opportunity as a location for relief to beat heat.”

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm