Political Committees and Other Organizations

A political committee is a committee that raises money for a specific political purpose, such as:

  • The election of a single candidate (candidate's committee);
  • The election or defeat of one or more candidates (political action or people's committee);
  • The promotion of a particular party (state and local party committees);
  • The passage or defeat of a ballot question (ballot question committee); or
  • Making independent expenditures, without direct or indirect coordination with any other Massachusetts political committee or candidate. (independent expenditure political action committee).

Before it can raise funds for its specified purpose, a committee must be properly organized with OCPF or, if applicable, a local election official.

Democratic Ward Committee 2024

Statement of Organization & Membership Update

Republican Ward Committee 2016

Statement of Organization


Statement of Organization/Change of Officer(s)


Republican Ward Committee 2020

Page last updated:  Thursday, December 23, 2021 12:15 pm