Proposed Stretch Energy Code

The purpose of the Stretch Energy Code is to provide a more energy efficient alternative to the base energy code applicable to the relevant sections of the building code for both new construction and existing buildings. A municipality seeking to ensure that construction within its boundaries is designed and built above the current energy efficiency requirements.

This appendix may be adopted by any municipality in the commonwealth, by decision of its governing body. In a city having a Plan D or Plan E charter the governing body shall be the city manager and the city council, and in any other city the mayor and city council. In towns the governing body shall be the board of selectmen. In order to be adopted, the appendix must be considered at an appropriate municipal public hearing, subject to the municipality’s existing public notice provisions. If adopted by a municipality this appendix rather than 780 CMR 13,34, 61, or 93, as applicable, shall govern.  This code applies to residential and commercial buildings. Buildings not included in this scope shall comply with 780 CMR 13, 34, 61, or 93, as applicable.

This appendix shall regulate the design and construction of buildings for the effective use of energy. This appendix is intended to provide flexibility to permit the use of innovative approaches and techniques to achieve the effective use of energy. This appendix is not intended to abridge safety, health or environmental requirements contained in other applicable codes or ordinances.

For additional information, or to read the code in its entirety, please visit:

Page last updated:  Friday, December 17, 2021 01:49 pm