Bid Detail

18-052 - Notice of Funding Availability for Historice Renovation Grant Progream

End date: Friday November 3, 2017 at 2 p.m.



In the immediate aftermath of the tornado, due to public safety concerns, the City of Springfield demolished the rear drill shed at the historic Howard Street Armory, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and was occupied at the time of disaster by the South End Community Center. FEMA and the Massachusetts Historic Commission determined that the emergency demolition of the drill shed had an adverse effect because it resulted in the loss of a portion of a historic property that still retained historic integrity and significance after the tornado. The City and FEMA have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA"), in accordance with 36 CFR Part 800, that will allow an Alternate Project to direct FEMA program funds for repair and replacement of the Howard Street Armory to reestablish the functions of the South End Community Center and Senior Center at new locations. The MOA stipulates that to mitigate the adverse effect of the emergency demolition, the City is required to develop a Historic Preservation Grant Program.

In accordance with the MOA, the City of Springfield is making $175,000 dollars available in CDBG-DR funds for proposals from property owners and/or developers for “ready to proceed” historic renovation projects.

Project Eligibility Requirements

Through this initial solicitation, the City is seeking projects that meet the following criteria:

1. The property must be located within the Maple Hill, Ridgewood and/or Lower Maple Historic Districts (See Attachment – A)
2. Property must have sustained damage from the June 1, 2011 tornado and must continue to have unrepaired exterior damages as a result of the tornado that are detrimental to public health and safety. Applicant must be able to document this and sign an affidavit to this effect.
3. Property owner must not have received duplicative benefits from another source/s (insurance, FEMA, SBA, etc) for the repairs applied for under this program.
4. City of Springfield and State property taxes, fees, fines and municipal liens must be current.
5. Mortgage payments must be current.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate site control for all proposed projects. Projects should be “ready to proceed” immediately or within thirty days of the award. All repairs funded under this Program must be completed and expenses paid out no later than October 31, 2018. All projects must meet the HUD Elimination of Slums and Blight, on a Spot Basis National Objective, therefore only exterior repairs that address code enforcement violations and/or public health and safety concerns will be eligible for funding under this program. For more information on HUD National Objective requirements you may visit the following website

The following is a list of exterior repairs that may be eligible:

• Painting and/or abatement of exterior lead paint
• Roof/Shingle Repair
• Chimney/Foundation Repair and Re-Pointing
• Porch Repair
• Window Repair and/or replacement

Below is a list of potentially ineligible activities:
• Installation of Vinyl/Aluminum Siding
• Installation of Replacement Vinyl Windows/Doors
• Landscaping/Driveway/Hardscapes

CDBG-DR Funding and Payment Method
The City is making available a maximum amount of $175,000 in Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds towards “ready to proceed”, eligible historic renovation project. CDBG-DR funds awarded under this Program must be spent no later than October 31, 2018 and all spending should be in accordance with the following:

• Springfield’s CDBG-DR Action Plan (
• HUD Guidance in the March 5, 2013 Federal Register (FR-5696-N-01) (
• The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, 42 USC 5301-5321.

Award of funding will be at the sole discretion of the City of Springfield. In order to be awarded funds, proposers must have demonstrated ability to comply with CDBG-DR requirements and must have a successful track record utilizing comparable federal funds and complying with comparable federal regulations.
All projects must meet the HUD Elimination of Slums and Blight (Spot) National Objective, therefore only exterior repairs that address code enforcement violations and/or public health and safety concerns will be eligible for funding under this program.

Grantees will need to obtain prior approval from the Springfield Historic Commission for all work. The Springfield Historic Commission must issue a Certificate of Appropriateness and grantee will be required to submit that certificate to the City of Springfield, Office of Disaster Recovery & Compliance. Funding will be released to grantees on a re-imbursement basis. Grantees will need to submit detailed invoices, photographs showing completed work and receipts and proof of all payments to the City for review and approval. The City will review all payment requests and backup documentation and approve or deny payment within thirty (30) days.

Proposers should demonstrate the ability to proceed within the allotted timelines and submit any information that shows an ability to comply with CDBG-DR guidelines and requirements.

The work to be performed with CDBG-DR funding is subject to the requirements of section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u (section 3). The purpose of section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD-assisted projects covered by section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD assistance for housing.
Grantees must agree to sign a contract requiring compliance with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR 135, which implement section 3. The contract will require a certification that the grantee is under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from complying with the part 135 regulations.
The grantee's contractor must agree to send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which the contractor has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, if any, a notice advising the labor organization or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this section 3 clause, and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places at the work site where both employees and applicants for training and employment positions can see the notice. The notice shall describe the section 3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to hire, availability of apprenticeship and training positions, the qualifications for each; and the name and location of the person(s) taking applications for each of the positions; and the anticipated date the work shall begin.
The grantee's contractor must agree to include this section 3 clause in every subcontract subject to compliance with regulations in 24 CFR part 135, and agrees to take appropriate action, as provided in an applicable provision of the subcontract or in this section 3 clause, upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135. The contractor will not subcontract with any subcontractor where the contractor has notice or knowledge that the subcontractor has been found in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135.
The contractor will certify that any vacant employment positions, including training positions, that are filled (1) after the contractor is selected but before the contract is executed, and (2) with persons other than those to whom the regulations of 24 CFR part 135 require employment opportunities to be directed, were not filled to circumvent the contractor's obligations under 24 CFR part 135.
Noncompliance with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135 may result in sanctions, termination of this contract for default, and debarment or suspension from future HUD assisted contracts.
With respect to work performed in connection with section 3 covered Indian housing assistance, section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C 450e) also applies to the work to be performed under this contract. Section 7(b) requires that to the greatest extent feasible (i) preference and opportunities for training and employment shall be given to Indians, and (ii) preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian organizations and Indian-owned Economic Enterprises. Parties to this contract that are subject to the provisions of section 3 and section 7(b) agree to comply with section 3 to the maximum extent feasible, but not in derogation of compliance with section 7(b).

Duplication of Benefits

Duplication of benefits is strictly prohibited. Property owner must not have received duplicative benefits for the repairs being applied for under this program. Proposers who have received disaster related funding including from FEMA, SBA, insurance and/or other sources will be required to submit copies of the following:

• FEMA Registration Number
• FEMA Award/Denial Letter
• Small Business Administration Award/Denial Letter
• Private Insurance Letter – Award and/or Denial information
• Any other documentation that demonstrates funds received or not received for the reparation of tornado damage to the property being applied for. Documentation should also show detailed accounting of how that funding was spent to repair the property and the unmet need that still remains.

Additionally applicant will be required to sign certifications and/or affidavits allowing the City to verify these amounts with appropriate federal agencies and private insurers. Applicants who did not apply to FEMA, SBA or submit insurance claims will also be required to execute affidavits certifying those facts.
Based upon information obtained from the grantee the City will determine the “Total Need Prior to Assistance”. The City will then deduct any “Assistance Determined to be Duplicative” and will make a final determination of “Maximum Eligible Award” and “Final Award”.
Grantees will be required to execute a Subrogation Agreement that will guide recapture of funds if a Duplication of Benefits is discovered after disbursement of funds.

Tie- Back to Disaster

All applicants must demonstrate that the property was directly impacted by the June 1, 2011 tornado. This evidence can include FEMA registration number, photographic evidence, letter(s) from insurance company regarding claims filed following the disaster. Proposers will also be required to submit an affidavit that states their property was damaged as a result of the June 1, 2011 tornado.

Pre-Proposal Assistance

Assistance in the completion of a submission including any assistance in assembling a development team and/or financial analysis cannot be provided.

In order to provide prompt answers to questions, the Chief Procurement Officer requests that all proposers submit written questions one week prior to the proposal response deadline. Accordingly, questions must be received in writing only at the City of Springfield, Office of Procurement not later than October 25, 2017. Questions may be faxed or emailed. The Procurement Department’s fax number is (413) 787-6295. The Office of Procurement will compile written answers which will be mailed back to all Proposers who requested a copy of the RFP, no later than October 27, 2017.

To maintain a fair and impartial competitive process, the review Chief Procurement Officer can only answer written questions. Please avoid private communication with any review Committee Member from the release date through the award date/s. Proposers who initiate private communication or attempt to violate the process outlined herein may be disqualified.

Submission Quality Requirements
Acceptable proposals will be judged in accordance with the following Quality Requirements.

��§ Historic and Neighborhood Appropriateness
��§ Financial Need
��§ Historic Significance of Property
��§ Proposer's Ability to Comply with CDBG-DR regulations
Project Specific information, complete proposals should also include the following information:

 Narrative description of the proposed historic repair project, including elevation plans of exterior repairs/changes/updates. This should include the repairs that will need to go before the Springfield Historical Commission and an explanation of why those repairs are historically appropriate and how having the property repaired enhances the surrounding neighborhood and historic district.
 Cost estimates for all repairs and/or improvements at the site. Cost estimates should also detail the following information:
o Which damage is related to and remains unrepaired from the tornado
o Whether repairs are interior and/or exterior repairs
o Which repairs will be funded with CDBG-DR funding if it is awarded
o Which repairs are not a result of the tornado but are necessary to stabilize and/or meet Federal Housing Quality Standards guidelines.
 Proposers should carefully detail what the repairs needs were immediately following the disaster, any funding that has been received from any source (public or private) to fulfill the repair needs and proposers should detail what the current remaining unmet needs are.
 All information related to Duplication of Benefits, this should include any correspondence with FEMA, SBA, private insurance and any other funding source(s). It should include you FEMA registration number and any funding received and/or denial letters. Proposers should submit detailed records/receipts that account for how funding received was spent to repair the property and what unmet needs still remain. If the proposer did not apply to FEMA, SBA and/or Insurance they should provide a detailed justification as to why they did not apply and why the City should consider their funding request.
 Firm financing commitments and/or plan for the remainder of the repairs that will not be funded with CDBG-DR funding.
 Project schedule with proposed timelines for implementation of the proposed redevelopment plan, including construction schedule, any proposed phasing, etc. Timeline should include Springfield Historical Commission review and should comply with the deadlines set forth within this RFP.
 Proposers should detail their experience working with CDBG and CDBG-DR funding and demonstrate their ability to comply with CDBG-DR regulations.
 Proposers should submit a detailed narrative that describes the historic significance of the property they are applying for funding for. Proposer should also describe how the failure to repair this property will have a significant adverse impact on the surrounding historic district and neighborhood. This should include any backup information/documents/photographs that support this description.
If the property is not an owner-occupied dwelling, proposer must submit the following information:
 A listing of the development team members, including the lead development term entity(ies); construction manager/general contractor; management agent; architect; engineer; consultant(s), specifying consulting service to be provided; equity partners; legal counsel; broker; etc. The proposal should identify the contact person who will represent each team member.
 Previous relevant experience of development team members. A resume, including development experience, must be included for each of the following parties who are members of the development team:
o Corporate general partners or controlling member/manager of the development entity(ies) (including non-profits).
o Individual general partners or controlling member/manager of the development entity(ies).
o Equity partners
o Each development consultant
o Development experience should include all similar properties owned, managed and/or developed by development team.
 In addition to the extent not provided in the resumes, the submission must describe each team member’s experience with projects of the similar scale and complexity, including:
o Name and location of project.
o Type of project (rental, ownership, mixed-use, rehab, new construction, etc.).
o Size of project (number of units, square footage).
o Date of completion.
o Financing/subsidy types involved; name of lender/agency
o Role of team member (e.g., for consultants; securing local approvals and permits, financial packaging, construction oversight and requisitions, design consultation, historic tax credit services, etc; for legal counsel: tax attorney, real estate attorney, etc.).
o Minority hiring preference
 A company background statement for the lead development entity, to include:
o Name of legal entity.
o Names of principles in firm.
o Addresses and telephone numbers of all entity officers.
o Structure of entity, i.e., individual, partnership, corporation, LLC.
o Years entity has been in business.
o Two most recent years of financial statements and balance sheets, and information on any available lender or other financial commitments to the project along with credit release authorization for principals of proposed owner.
o Examples of no less than three and no more than five similar projects.
o Names of individuals familiar with the developer’s work on similar projects who can be contacted as references.
 Lender references, including name, address, phone number, and name of project on which the lender and developer(s) have collaborated.

The City of Springfield supports the goal of twenty percent minority and women participation in all contracts. No questions will be answered unless received by the Chief Procurement Officer at least 7 days prior to the expiration of the time set for submitting bids or proposals. The Chief Procurement Officer reserves the right to waive any informality in and to reject any or all bids if it is in the public interest to do so.

Available Solicitations

As of 10:09 pm Thursday, September 19, 2024

25-039 - 2024-2025 Snow Plowing & Hauling Equipment for the Department of Public Works
End date: Friday December 27, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-038 - Purchase & Redevelopment of 60 Byers Street - Parcel No. 021700016
End date: Monday November 4, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-021 - For Sale: Development Opportunity - Eastern Avenue Elementary School (a/k/a Alden Street School)
End date: Wednesday October 30, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-020 - For Sale: Redevelopment Opportunity 158-162 Rifle Street - f/k/a Lincoln Hall Site
End date: Wednesday October 30, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-019 - Notice of Funding Availability for Construction of Single-Family Home at 8 Ringgold Street
End date: Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-031 - Sale and Redevelopment of 174-176 Maple Street
End date: Monday October 21, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-035 - Price Agreement for Winter Rock Salt
End date: Tuesday October 8, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-036 - Price Agreement for Sand for Winter Sanding
End date: Tuesday October 8, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-045 - RFP's for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance & Support Services for Unsheltered Homeless in the City
End date: Friday October 4, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-053 - RFP: Main Street Seasonal Beautification Services for City of Springfield
End date: Wednesday October 2, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-013 - Notice of Funding Availability for Construction of a Single-Family Home at ES Pine Street (Parcel 09
End date: Monday September 30, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-048 - On-Call Electrical Repairs, Maintenance and Installation
End date: Friday September 27, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-046 - On-Call HVAC Repairs and Maintenance
End date: Thursday September 26, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-047 - On-Call Overhead Door Repairs and Maintenance
End date: Thursday September 26, 2024 at 2 p.m.

25-049 - On-Call and Scheduled Fire Alarm Testing and Maintenance
End date: Wednesday September 25, 2024 at 2 p.m.

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