Bid Detail

16-021 - On-Call Site Work/Excavation Services for Departments

End date: Wednesday September 2, 2015 at 2 p.m.

The City of Springfield Department of Capital Asset Construction, Department of Parks, Buildings Recreation Management and other municipal departments as requested are soliciting bids for On-Call Site Work/Excavation services. The purpose of this procurement is to secure services of established, qualified service providers with demonstrated experience in a variety of public works construction projects and who are prepared to respond to department's immediate (emergency) short and long term needs.

The City of Springfield Office of Procurement has created this Master Bid 16-021 for On-Call Site Work/Excavation Services and Maintenance for jobs less than $25,000.00. (Less than $25,000.00 per job)

This procurement seeks to ensure adequate coverage across several service categories, for all municipal sites. It is desirable that several contracts will be awarded to secure adequate coverage for DCAC and DPBRM departments. The target is a minimum of three (3) Contractors.

Bid responses must be received by 2:00 PM EST on August 31, 2015. Bid responses received after the 2:00PM bid opening time will not be accepted. Bids delivered to any other office or location will be rejected as non-responsive. If at the time of the scheduled IFB opening, City Hall or the Office of Procurement is closed due to uncontrolled events such as fire or building evacuation, the IFB opening will be postponed until 2:00 PM on the next normal business day. IFB'S will be accepted until that date and time. Work performed under this agreement will be subject to Massachusetts Prevailing Wages per the Department of Labor Standards.


Questions regarding the IFB should be in writing and delivered via Email or facsimile: or FAX (413) 787-6295 to:
Attn: Lauren Stabilo, Chief Procurement Officer
City Hall - Room 307
36 Court Street
Springfield, MA 01103

All inquiries related to the requirements should prominently refer to "Bid 16-021, On-Call Site Work/Excavation Services", and the opening date, which is August 31, 2015. Please keep in mind the schedule of bid events and questions should be received early enough in the schedule to permit the City's responses to be sent to and received by all prospective Bidder(s).

Responses to inquiries will be in the form of a numbered addendum to the specifications issued by the Office of Procurement and sent to all parties listed in the bid file as Bidders(s) holding the bid documents. Bidder should base responses only on the specifications including any addenda.

PLEASE NOTE that all addenda must be acknowledged either in the bid response (there is a space for that purpose on the bid cover sheet) when submitted or by following the instructions on the addendum cover sheet. If using the latter means to acknowledge receipt, the Bidder must write the business name of the firm, sign the sheet and fax it to (413-787-6295) and/or include a copy of the sheet in the bid response. Failure to acknowledge any addendum may cause rejection of a bid response as required by Massachusetts General Laws. Bidder(s) are advised to call the Office of Procurement (413-787-6284) before sending their bid responses to confirm that all addenda are accounted for.


Bidders must meet or exceed the required qualifications for City contract award.

• Bidder must have been in the same business for five (5) years prior to release date of this IFB.
• Bidders must hold both a Hoisting License and CDL License issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. License must be in good standing to qualify for evaluation.
• Bidder must meet and be in full compliance with all Federal, State and Local Laws and Regulations including OSHA requirements.
• Bidders must be in full compliance with OSHA 10 Regulation all required employees of the company must hold at a minimum OSHA 10 certification card. Bidder must submit OSHA 10 Certification card with bid submission.
• Bidder must be able to provide services Citywide.
• Bidder must provide three (3) letters of reference from a municipal entity or from their largest customers in Western MA area. Bidders must submit reference letters must substantially related to scope of services required with bid 16-021 with bid submission.
• Bidder must comply with Prevailing Wage Law
• Bidder must submit a current insurance policy with bid submission.
• Note: The City shall be named as an additional insured, not just a certificate holder.
• Bidder must describe their past performance and history with the City of Springfield.
• Contractors must respond to service calls if requested by the Eligible Entity and be available 24 hours
per day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year.
• Contractors must respond as requested by City Designee:
o Emergency Call - Contractor must respond within one (1) hour of initial calls as directed by the
City designee
o Service Call - Contractor must respond by phone within (1) hour and establish a mutually agreed
arrival time at the site.
• Contractor is responsible for obtaining and submitting all required permits from any Federal, State or Local agency. Contractors are responsible for the payment of all permits. Eligible Entities will not pay for any permits of any kind.

The City of Springfield supports the goal of twenty percent minority and women participation in all contracts. No questions will be answered unless received by the Chief Procurement Officer at least 7 days prior to the expiration of the time set for submitting bids or proposals. The Chief Procurement Officer reserves the right to waive any informality in and to reject any or all bids if it is in the public interest to do so.

Contact: Lauren Stabilo 413-787-6284

Request the complete specifications for this solicitation (16-021)

Available Solicitations

As of 3:09 am Thursday, September 19, 2024

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25-049 - On-Call and Scheduled Fire Alarm Testing and Maintenance
End date: Wednesday September 25, 2024 at 2 p.m.

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