One of Springfield’s all-time greats and Cathedral High School graduate tennis pro Tim Mayotte visited today with Mayor Domenic J. Sarno about bringing a women’s tennis tournament here to Springfield. Tim has won numerous pro tournaments including a near championship run at Wimbledon. He was also the NCAA national champion at Stanford University and of course a champion right here at Cathedral High School. Tim will be working with Mayor Sarno, Chief of Staff and Cathedral High School graduate Tom Ashe, Tim’s Cathedral classmate City Councilor Atty. Tim Ryan, Executive Director of Parks, Buildings & Recreation Management Patrick Sullivan and Assistant Director Pete Krupczak, Program Coordinator Randy Piteo, Pope Francis High School officials and Sports Commission officials.
Mayor Sarno stated, “Great to have Tim back and I’m deeply appreciative of his love and interest in doing this pro tournament right here in his hometown of Springfield.”
“It’s so exciting to be back in Springfield. I always considered it my home and bringing professional tennis here has always been a dream of mine,” added Mayotte.
The tournament target date is July 2020. Sites under consideration include Pope Francis High School, Springfield College, and Forest Park.